Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Lamenya tak menulis kat blog ni. asyik kopi paste article je. hahaha. kelas pengajian diploma kat UniMAP dah tamat! HOOYEHH! haha. tapi lah kan, ade sumting yang memang bagi ak agak menakutkan berlaku masa ak duk prepare solution etchant untuk semestral projek ak jumaat lepas. kalu nak taw ape tu etchant, google sendiri ok. solution ni memerlukan campuran 25ml nitric acid, 25ml hydrochloric acid, 25ml ethanol dan 1 drop hydrofluoric acid. nak di jadikan cerita, lepas je duk campur sme acid2 nie, ak bia je lah solution tu atas meja dalam lab. ak pulak duk basuh beaker yang telah di guna. member2 sme dah otw blah dari lab. nak di jadikan cerita tengah duk syok basuh beaker, “bofff” dengar bunyi mcm benda meletup kat belakang ak. ak pusing lah, masyaAllah, solution yang ak buat tu meletup. HAHAHAHA. abes merecik kelangit! ak pn ape lagi, berlari lah kuar lab beb. member2 pn sme lari. yang soram tu tak bleh blah langsung, cak berapok lari. hahaha. takut baii… haha. dari luar pintu lab bleh nampak solution tu duk merecik recik keluar dari botol yang ak letak solution tu. ak yang tengah panik tak taw nak buat ape. kawan2 pn panik. mujur ade soram technician yang boleh masuk dengan kami ade duk kemas lab masa tu. dan yang paling mujur dye soram je yang ade. kalu ade technician2 laen, kompen dah kene dah geng2 ak. haha. dye sro kami cuci lab tu. bau solution tu nusuk molep dalam idung. mcm bau klorox tp 3x gnda lbh kuat. hahaha. nak tak nak kami berishkan lah. hehehe. technacian tu cakap kami salah bancuh. sepatutnya acid yang lemah dulu dicampur, tapi kami bancuh nitric acid dlu!! haha. tak boleh nak lupe lah hal tu. dah lah terjadi last2 nak abes dip. rasa mcm saintist pn ade! hahaha. k, semua da dekat nak final exam., so GOOD LUCK utk yall punye final!
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Always Be There : by Maher Zain
Allahu Akbar
If you ask me about love
And wanna know about it
I am so pleased
It's everything about Allah
The pure love, to our soul
The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe
The ONE that made us all
And HE's the guardian of HIS true believers
So when the time is hard
There's no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE's always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what's in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there...
HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn't never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all will be over
And we'll be in His heaven and we'll all be fine
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE's always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what's in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there...
Allahu Akbar
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE's always watching us, guiding us
And he knows what's in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there...
Allahu Akbar
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Tolak Islam automatik tolak roh, bila tolak Islam, Nabi Muhammad pun di tolak, al-Quran pun di tolak, Allah Taala pun di tolak.
Bila tolak Islam, ertinya tolak roh, kosongkan roh, yang tinggal jisim saja.
Maka segala pembangunan ni, segala hidup ini, khusus untuk dunia sahaja, akhirat tak di fikir.
Kita sebagai orang Islam dan memperjuangkan Islam kedua-dua (jasmani dan rohani), kita kena jaga.
Kita berpolitik supaya selamat di dalam kubur, kita berpolitik supaya ingat di Padang Mahsyar, berpolitik supaya selamat di dalam syurga.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Something Nice to be Share
1. Kita diajar dalam buku biologi, buku pemakanan (kajian dan terbitan para kafir ni) bahawa kalau nak dapat vitamin B dan kalau nak tambah darah kita kena makan hati haiwan dan hati ayam tetapi sebenarnya Nabi kita tidak menggalakkan pemakanan organ dalaman. Nak ikut kafir ke nak ikut nabi kita? Sebenarnya makan hati ayam dapat melembabkan otak kita sbb hati merupakan organ dimana semua toksin akan dikumpulkan dan dineutralkan. so kepekatan toksin adalah tinggi di hati ayam. makanlah kita toksin tersebut serta bengaplah otak kita umat Islam sebab percaya buku sains keluaran kafir ini.
2. Kita diajar dalam sains bahawa kopi tidak bagus untuk kesihatan. Namun sebenarnya kopi adalah antara minuman kegemaran Nabi kita selain susu dan madu. Cuba tengok Yahudi, mereka minum kopi, Starbuck. Profesor di UK yang Yahudi semua ada segelas kopi di tangan mereka.
3. Kita diajar memakan kambing tinggi kolesterol, namun kambing juga adalah makanan Nabi kita. Seolah-olah buku sains ni nak merendahkan pemakanan Nabi kita. Sebenarnya daging kambing adalah daging paling kurang kolesterol.
4. Kita diajar bahawa makan McDonalds adalah bagus, namun sebenarnya McDonalds adalah makanan yang sangat tinggi MSG dan kolesterolnya dan paling banyak lemak tepu trans.
5. Para kafir ni juga menggalakkan kita minum dan makan makanan yang langsung tak berkhasiat , contohnya coke dan maggi . Coke tu sangatlah beracun, pastu sangat tidak bagus untuk kesihatan (gula tinggi, berasid, pH dalam lingkungan 3.5, ada racun tersembunyi) . Dan para Melayu kita juga yang ketagih minum.
6 . Untuk pengetahuan, para kafir jugak mengwar-warkan kebaikan minum soya (sebab USA merupakan pengeluar soya terbesar), namun sebenarnya soya dapat melemahkan kejantanan lelaki dan mengurangkan kesuburan lelaki dan perempuan. selain itu juga soya dapat meningkatkan risiko kanser payudara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat, serta melemahkan otak dan tulang sbb dalam soya ada hormon estrogen yang sama dgn estrogen kat wanita. pastu soya ada phytic acid yang membuatkan penyerapan kalsium, magnesium dan zinc yang penting untuk badan kita terjejas.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Adab-adab Berwuduk
1. Memulainya dengan sebutan nama Allah s.w.t. "Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Tidak ada
maknanya wuduk yang tidak disebut nama Allah s.w.t (padanya)". (Riwayat Abu Dawud)
2. Jangan memukulkan air ke muka dan kepala.
3. Jangan mengirapkan tangan supaya air terpercik sesudah berwuduk.
4. Tenang dan hadir hati ketika berwuduk kerana ketenangan dan kekusyukan pada wuduk adalah permulaan bagi kekusyukan
dalam sembahyang.
5. Bersugi setiap kali hendak berwuduk kerana ia dapat membersihkan mulut sekaligus mendapat keredaan Allah s.w.t
6. Berusaha menyampaikan air wuduk ke dalam lipatan-lipatan kulit, telapak kaki bahagian belakang (tumit) dan ke celah-celah
jari-jari (tangan dan kaki).
7. Menyempurnakan wuduk lebih dari sekadar fardu-fardunya seperti menyampaikan air lebih dari dua siku atau menyampaikan
air hingga ke pertengahan betis, istimewa sekali ketika cuaca sejuk kerana ia adalah cahaya dan perhiasan orang mukmin
pada hari kiamat.
Dari ‘Usman bin ‘Affan r.a. berkata Rasulallah SAW bersabda: “Siapa yang berwuduk dengan sempurna, maka keluarlah segala
dosa dari tubuhnya, sehingga dari bawah kukunya juga.”
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Adidas F50 adiZero

here are some specs of this boot.
Lightweight Construction
The Adidas F50 adiZero TRX FG is the world’s lightest football boot. Weighing in at only 5.8 ounces, the F50 adiZero FG provides athletes with an ultra-lightweight fit, that’s even lighter than the Nike Mercurial Vapor SL.
To create the world’s lightest cleats, Adidas created two new advanced technologies to dramatically reduce the weight of the shoe, while also maintaining its stability: Sprint Skin and Sprint Frame.
Sprint Skin
Adidas Sprint Skin technology is a single layer synthetic that provides reduced weight and excellent ball control. Sprint Skin is a synthetic material that is lighter, thinner and softer than usual synthetics, making this football boot supreme for speed, comfort and feel. Increased ball control and lightweight features make Sprint Skin ideal for the serious player.
Sprint Frame
The Sprint Frame technology designed by Adidas is featured on the outsole of the F50 adiZero and is incredibly lightweight. Sprint Frame also helps increase stability through geometry.
Increased Speed
The Adidas F50 adiZero football boots are the ultimate high speed boot. Utilising Adidas TRAXION technology, the F50 adiZero features a brand new stud shape that helps provide maximum acceleration on the pitch.
TPU Bottom Frame
The TPU Bottom Frame of the F50 adiZero helps provide for ultimate durability and performance. This helps increase stability and reinforcement while increasing protection against abrasion in the kicking area. Improved bonding between the outsole and upper also provides for improved durability.
Internal TPU Support Bands
The internal TPU Support Bands on the F50 adiZero help provide increased stability and support, and reinforce a single-layer upper material. These bands also provide important energy savings and increase comfort.
Agion Anti-Microbial Technology
Adidas has also included the Agion anti-microbial technology for improved protection against bacteria.
Agion’s recent advances in technology make it possible to build antimicrobial properties right into the surfaces of products — so the products themselves fight and kill microbes. An antimicrobial product is literally self-cleaning, inhibiting microbial growth around the clock, day in and day out.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
"Qul inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati lillahi rabbil aalamin." (6:162)
Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
ape mksd title tu erk? menurut google translator bermaksud WORK. tapi aku pom tak sure betol ke tidak. biasalah kan time2 cuti macam ni, tentu akan buat kerja part time untuk cari duet poket sposen due.. hehe
maren, setelah sekian lame tak buat kerja berat, aku try ler "push" buat kerja., hasil nya, abes tangan melecet dan luka2. haha. padan muke. da tau jari tu macam jari awex tak yah lah buat kerja berat2.. hehe. actually takde lah awex, tp lembut sb da 5 bulan tak buat kerja berat..
tapi ak xkesah pom luke2 dan melecet tu.. LELAKI SEJATI kott.. mane buleh takut nda2 gitu.. tak MACHO ah beb.. hahaha.. lelaki mane buleh tangan lembut2. cam ponen pulak nanti.. hahaha
nak blah dulu.. kan tulis lebih2 koya soram pulak. ahaks! :P
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Too Close For Comfort : by McFLY
To make you cry can I say I'm sorry
It's hard to forget and yes I regret
All these mistakes
I don't know why you're leaving me
But I know you must have your reasons
There's tears in your eyes I watch as you cry
But it's getting late
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
When I got too close for comfort
I'm driving you home
Guess I'll never know
Remember when we scratched our names
Into the sand and told me you loved me
But now that I find that you've changed your mind
I'm lost for words
And everything I feel for you
I wrote down on one piece of paper
The one in your hand, you won't understand
How much it hurts to let you go
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort
driving you home
Guess I'll never know
All this time you've been telling me lies
Hidden in bags that are under your eyes
And when I asked you I knew I was right
But if you turn your back on me now
When I need you most
But you chose to let me down, down, down
Wont you think about what you're about to do to me
And back down...
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
(Yeah yeah)
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
When I got too close for comfort
I'm driving you home
Guess I'll never know
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
الحمد لله
lame da tak setat nulis belok dengan perkataan "cet". hehe. Finally untuk sem nie, selesailah satu lagi semester pengajian di UniMAP nie. alhamdulillah.. dah selesai ape lagi kan, balik kampung ler..!
tapi opsss,, sebelum balik ade brita yang paling taknak didengar. Proposal FYP kne submit bai... ish.. takpe2., ape lah sgt stakat proposal 3 page tu.. *konon. satu lagi brita yang taknak jugak didengar yakni INDEX batal.. ish.. kecian.. kat ak.. sem depan jugak ler kne pegi INDEX. takpe2, td kasim cakap INDEX tu utk grad je. stakat nak g LI tu, takyah pegi INDEX pom xpe. hehe..
ish.. ape ak meleter nie? dah lah. blah dlu.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Ermmm,, post kali nie ak nak cakap siket pasal etika kita masa exam. bukan nak tuju kat sape2 tapi nak cakap ni secara general. kite tau kan, bile tiba je musim exam, masa tu lah mula nak kalut study. bagi ak, bgus lah mcm tu. tapi bile tengah exam tu jangan lah bawak pape note/toyol bile da masuk dewan exam.
Kite tgk ni dari sudut kehidupan kite. cara kita jawab exam ni akan tentukan keputusan exam kite. keputusan exam kite pulak akan tentu perkerjaan kite lepas belajar (bukan 100% tapi kesan nya ttp besar). perkerjaan kita pulak akan tentukan pendapatan kite untuk menyara keluarga. tolong fikirkan ni baek2. kalu dah masa exam, kte buat dengan cara yang tidak halal, ianya akan terus berkait sehingga kite berkerja. mahu kah kite menyara keluarga dengan rezeki yang tidak halal?
On the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: The Messenger of Allah said: “Allah the Almighty is good and accepts only that which is good. Allah has commanded the Faithful to do that which He commanded the Messengers, and the Almighty has said: “O ye Messengers! Eat of the good things, and do right..” (Quran 23:51). And Allah the Almighty has said: “O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you..” (2:172). Then he mentioned [the case of] a man who, having journeyed far, is disheveled and dusty and who spreads out his hands to the sky [saying]: O Lord! O Lord!-while his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and he is nourished unlawfully, so how can he be answered!” (Muslim).
Kesimpulan nya kat sini, jangan lah meniru time exam. fikirkan kesanya secara jangka masa panjang. ni salah satu peringatan untuk ak sendiri. smoga dijauhkan dari pekara sebegini.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Aku terbaca satu artikel di isuhangat.net. sangat menarik. begitu besarnya kuasa Allah swt. setiap yang berlaku pasti ade hikmah nye kan? dan ni salah satu hikmah melaksanakan hukum islam. Allahukabar!
Mengapa Islam menyuruh di sebat 100 kali orang belum berkahwin yang berzina, dan merejam sehingga mati org yg sudah berkahwin yang berzina?
Badan manusia akan mengeluarkan sel-sel darah putih atau antibodi yg dapat melawan penyakit. Dan sel-sel ini terdapat di daerah tulang belakang, berdekatan dengan sum-sum tulang manusia. Lelaki yang belum berkahwin dia akan dapat mengeluarkan beribu-ribu sel ini, manakala lelaki yang sudah berkahwin hanya dapat menghasilkan 10 unit sel ini sehari, kerana antara sebabnya ialah kerana sel-sel lain akan hilang kerana perhubungan suami isteri.
Jadi apabila lelaki yang belum berkahwin didapati salah kerana zina hendaklah disebat 100 kali. Ini adalah kerana apabila dia disebat di belakangnya, suatu amaran tentang kesakitan itu akan membuatkan penghasilan beribu sel antibodi yang dapat melawan virus HIV jika ia ada di badannya, dengan itu dapatlah antibodi melawan virus HIV itu.
Tetapi jika lelaki itu sudah berkahwin,walaupun disebat 100 kali ia akan tetap menghasilkan 10 unit antibodi sahaja, jadi dengan itu hukumannya direjam hingga mati agar dia tidak dapat merebakkan virus HIV itu.Wallahualam.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Smile : by WEEZER
Over the wall, you're spinning 'round and 'round
'Cause you wanted some love
I'll make it happen
'Cause I don't wanna break
Your fine face. I can't take
The way you wanna wrap me up
Inside your smile
Open your heart and let the good stuff out
Water me girl and let me ease the drought
'Cause you wanted some love
I'll make it happen
'Cause I don't wanna break
Your fine face. I can't take
The way you wanna wrap me up
Inside your smile
I can't be gone, darling
For very long, no
Never know what you're gonna do
Standing there deep in front of you
Take a look in between my eyes
Because I'm back, yeah
'Cause I don't wanna break
Your fine face. I can't take
The way you wanna wrap me up
Inside your smile
I can't be gone, darling
For very long
Never know what you're gonna do
Standing there deep in front of you
Take a look in between my eyes
Because I'm back, yeah
Give me a chance if you can force yourself
Look at me girl and get up off your shelf
'Cause you wanted some love
I'll make it happen
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Chelsea 10/11 Home Kit
kat cni ade beberapa pictures ak nak share dgn korang. cun jugak ler jersey nie. boleh dah nak usha kat pdg besaq pom.. hahahaha.

Abg golie yakni Petr Cech kelihatan begitu MAchO dgn pose yang mungkin sudah terbiasa.

Michael Ballack. Ko nie ntah stay ke tidak season depan.

Joe Cole. Ko pom aku tak tau stay ke tidak. harap2 stay ler.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Study Week.
Fuhh.. Minggu nie merupakan study week bagi student2 di UniMAP nie. study week? hahaha. i tink it is more likely to be gaming week or wasting week. hehe. u know why, aku rasa mostly student kat sini bukan study sangat pom mase study week nie. ade yang balik kampung (*pergh!), ade yang abes masa depan lappy je (*ak lah nie), dan ade jugak yg betol2 study. syabas aku ucapkan pada deyorg. hehe.
sepatut nye time2 macam nie lah kte gunakan sepenuh nye untuk study kan. cover balik ape2 yang miss. hehe. aku tak nak cakap banyak, ak pom bukan study sangat tapi moga diberi kerajinan untuk study. jangan last minute baru nak study then mule lah nyesal tak abes2 sebab result teruk!
wEI, StuDy laH wEi.!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Emm.. macam mane aku nak tulis post kali ni ha.. emm, lebong tu kalu dalam bahasa baku nye bermaksud tipu. kita manusia ni mane boleh tipu2 orang kan. sebab lambat laun orang yang kite tipu tu akan tau jugak. aku ni tak pandai nak tipu orang. Islam dah larang kite menipu, dan setiap apa yang dilarang itu pasti ade sebab dan hikmah nye kan.
kepada YANG BERKENAAN, saya tak berniat nak menipu kamu dan sebenarnye waktu tak seswai untuk memberitahu kamu. harap kamu faham. i regret for what ive done and if u cant forgive me, its ok cos i know what ive done is a huge mistake. SORRY.
so, that it. moral of the story jangan ler tipu orang. kan dah kena.padam muke ko si adiPure.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Fuhh.. finally, selesai jugak sem nie. Alhamdulillah. tngu nak final exam je lagi. hehehe. bagi ak, sem nie paling tough dalam pengajian ak kat UniMAP nie. mane tak toughnye, report ade 5 subject (foundry, welding, machining, chemical thermodynamics & metal testing) kne submit. fuhh.. dah ler tiap2 ari ade kelas. penat de.. tapi tak boleh merungut lah kan. hehe. kte hidup sebagai student kne ler hadapi bende nie kan. harap di berikan ketabahan dan kekuatan. Amin. =) Walaupun sem ni agax tough, tapi ak enjoy. banyak belajar bende baru. pengalaman yang sangat2 berharga. hehe. time nie lah nak enjoy sibuk sebagai student kan. nanti kalu dah kerja, mesti rindu balik time mcm nie. mcm zaman sekolah jugak. masuk je universiti, terasa rindu pada sekolah lah pulak. padahal dulu masa sekolah mati2 tak nak sekolah dah. haha. bdk2. tak matang. biasalah kan. hehe.
k, blah dlu. Bye.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Listen and Obey!
The young man couldn't help but wonder, 'Does Allah still speak to people through intuition?'
After Lessons, he went out with some friends for coffee and pie and they discussed the message. Several different ones talked about how Allah had led them in different ways and that at the end you'll know it was Allah(SWT) Who has directed you.
It was about ten o'clock when the young man started driving home. Sitting in his car, he just began to pray, 'Allah...If you still speak to people, speak to me. I will listen.. I will do my best to obey.'
As he drove down the main street of his town, he had the strangest thought to stop and buy a gallon of milk. He shook his head and said out loud, 'Allah is that you?' He didn't get a reply and started on toward home.
But again, the thought, buy a gallon of milk came into his head. 'Okay, Allah, in case that is you, I will buy the milk.' It didn't seem like too hard a test of obedience. He could always use the milk.
He stopped and purchased the gallon of milk and started off toward home.
As he passed Seventh Street , he again felt the urge, 'Turn Down that street.'This is crazy he thought, and drove on past the intersection.
Again, he felt that he should turn down Seventh Street .
At the next intersection, he turned back and headed down Seventh. Half jokingly, he said out loud, 'Okay, Allah, I will.'
He drove several blocks, when suddenly, he felt like he should stop. He pulled over to the curb and looked around.
He was in a semi-commercial area of town. It wasn't the
best but it wasn't the worst of neighborhoods either.
The businesses were closed and most of the houses looked dark like the people were already in bed. Again, he sensed something, 'Go and give the milk to the people in the house across the street.'
The young man looked at the house.. It was dark and it looked like the people were either gone or they were already asleep.
He started to open the door and then sat back in the car seat. 'Allah, this is insane. Those people are asleep and
if I wake them up, they are going to be mad and I will look stupid.'
Again, he felt like he should go and give the milk. Finally, he opened the door, 'Okay Allah(SWT), if this is you, I will go to the door and I will give them the milk. If you want me to look like a crazy person, okay.
I want to be obedient. I guess that will count for something, but if the don't answer right away, I am out of here.'
He walked across the street and rang the bell. He could hear some noise inside. A man's voice yelled out, 'Who is it? What do you want?' Then the door opened before the young man could get away.
The man was standing there in his jeans and T-shirt. He looked like he just got out of bed. He had a strange look on his face and he didn't seem too happy to have some stranger standing on his doorstep. 'What is it?'
The young man thrust out the gallon of milk, 'Here, I brought this to you.' The man took the milk and rushed down a hallway. Then from down the hall came a woman carrying the milk toward the kitchen. The man was following her holding a baby. The baby was crying. The man had tears streaming down his face.
The man began speaking and half crying, 'We were just praying. We had some big bills this month and we ran out of money.. We didn't have any milk for our baby. I was just praying and asking Allah(SWT) to show me how to get some milk.'
His wife in the kitchen yelled out, 'I ask him to send an Angel with some. Are you an Angel?'
The young man reached into his wallet and pulled out all the money he had on him and put in the man's hand.
He turned and walked back toward his car and the tears were streaming down his face. He knew that Allah (SWT) still answers prayers.
If you believe that Allah (SWT) answers prayers, send this to everyone you care about and also the person that sent it to you!!!!!!!!!
If you do not send nothing will happen to you, but if you send you might just be sending someone hope and belief that Allah (SWT) hears our prayers and give hope to those who have already lost faith considering the situation most people.
That's it!That's the test!
It's just that simple!
Sometimes it's the simplest things that Allah (SWT) asks us to do, that enable us to understand His words clearer and better than ever.. Please listen, and obey!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Allah Knows : by ZAIN BHIKHA
When you feel all alone in this world
And there's nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
Allah knows
No matter what, inside or out
There's one thing of which there's no doubt
Allah knows
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
Allah knows
You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Allah knows
Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.
Allah knows
Aku Suke.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Invincible : by MUSE
Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
Cause there's no one like you in the universe
Don't be afraid
What your mind consumes
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible
During the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please
Lets use this chance
To turn things around
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible
Do it on your own
It makes no difference to me
What you leave behind
What you choose to be
And whatever they say
Your souls unbreakable
During the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please
Let use this chance
To turn things around
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible
During the struggle
They will pull us down
Please, please
Let use this chance
To turn things around
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible
urm. lets talk about anger. sme org marah kan. stiap org yg normal akan marah. tp akan jd abnormal biler terlalu ikt perasaan bile marah. btol kan? ak xsuke org marah2 dan bile ak sndri marah.
ak benci diri ak bile ak marah. tp kdg2 bnde tu xleyh nak kawal. susa ler. tp kire oke lah kan marah skjap je, cpt cool balik. ak kan COOL. (wtheCk). hehe. perbandingan antara lelaki dgn pompuan, mane satu kaum yg lagi cepat dan mudah marah?? korang rase? ak rase pompuan. haha. ak rase je lah.
nasihat ak kat diri ak dgn semua org, jgn lah suke marah2. kawal lah marah anda. sb biler marah rase nak luahkan je ape yg lam kepala. tp ble dah cool, akan dtg perasaan menyesal lam diri nak2 biler ape yg dibuat tu salah (bg ak lah). dan hilangkan rasa marah tu buat lah ape yg patot mcm solat ke, bace Quran ke. ade jugak paedah nyer.
dan, jgn jugak bg org marah. tau je lah kan, org kalu dah marah, berubah 100% dari segi emosi. jd incredible HULK. haha.
k, bye. jgn mrah2. senyum sokmo. =)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Aku dah Agax!
ak da agax. semalam ak baru je post sal kecewo., tgk ari ni ak agx kecewo ler. CHELSEA kalah. KAH5. tp ak da bajet awal2 dah mcm nak kalah je. dan ape ak bajetkan itu tepat. haha. sekdar kebetulan. hehe.
tapi ak xde lah kecewa sgt pom. anggap je team ak mnt 2 xde rezeki. alah, duniawi sahaja. buat ape nak frust then marah lbeh2. mcm bdk2. hehe. dah nak msk umo 20 nie kne lah berpkran mtg sket kan. baru MACHO. kah2. melawak! berpikaran mtg bukan sebab nak MACHO, tp sebab dah timbul kesedaran dalam jiwa. tu baru beto kan. hehe.,
dah, ak pom malas dah nak menaep nie. mkn ubat then tdo!
cough! cough!
ble lah batuk ak nak baek nie.
xpe, ujian kepada hambaMu yg hina ini. moga diberi kekuatan! amin!
blah dlu, bye!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
lame dah tak menaep. hehe. post kali ni nak sembang sket pasal kecewa or disappointed nie. tp jgn salah faham plak, bkn sb jwg2 ek, tapi kecewa secara general nye.
sme org pena kecewa gax. ak pom xterlepas dr mengalami perasaan itu. tp jgn biakan feeling itu kuasai kita. be strong. pikirkan positif. maybe ap yg berlaku tu bukan rezeki kita tp hari laen sape yg tahu kan. setiap org ade rezeki masing2.
mcm ak sendri lah, kdg2 ak kecewa dgn ape yg berlaku kat sekeliling ak. kecewa dgn pemikiran sesorg, cra hdup seseorg, kecewa dgn reslt XM (haha, yg nie selalu) dan bnyak lagi ler. tp bg ak bile ade perasaan mcm ni, akan dtg smgt utk terus berjuang. tp biasa nye xlame lah.. hehehe. biasalah kite, melayu mudah lupe, mudah alpa. hehe.
last, kepada sesiapa yg tgh bersedeh or kecewa tu, jgn dilayan lah gundah gulana anda. engat Allah swt sentiasa bersama mereka yg tabah! start a new life. mybe better than the old one. who knows, rite? hehe.,
k, blah dlu. =)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tanpa mereka, fikiran dan perasaan lelaki akan resah.
Masih mencari walau ada segalanya.
Apa yang tiada dalam syurga?
Namun adam tetap rindukan hawa.
Dijadikan wanita daripada tulang rusuk yang bengkok.
Untuk diluruskan oleh lelaki.
Tetapi seandainya lelaki itu sendiri tidak lurus,
Mana mungkin kayu yang bengkok menghasilkan bayang yang lurus.
Luruskanlah wanita dengan jalan yang ditunjuk oleh Allah,
Kerana mereka diciptakan sebegitu rupa oleh Allah.
Didiklah mereka dengan panduan darinya.
Jangan cuba menjinakkan mereka dengan harta, kerana nantinya mereka semakin liar.
Janganlah hiburkan mereka dengan kecantikan, kerana nantinya mereka akan semakin derita.
Kenalkan mereka kepada Allah, zat yang kekal. Di situlah punca kekuatan dunia.
Akal senipis rambutnya, tebalkanlah ia dengan ilmu.
Hati serapuh kaca, kuatkanlah ia dengan iman...
Perasaan selembut sutera, hiasilah ia dengan akhlak.
Suburkanlah ia kerana dari situlah nantinya...
Mereka akan lihat nilaian dan keadilan Rab...
Bisikkan ke telinga mereka bahawa kelembutan bukan suatu kelemahan..
Ia bukan diskriminasi Allah... sebaliknya di situlah kasih dan sayang Allah...
Wanita yang lupa hakikat kejadiannya...
Pasti tidak akan terhibur, dan tidak akan menghiburkan...
Tanpa iman, ilmu dan akhlak..mereka tidak akan lurus...
Bahkan akan semakin membengkok...
Itulah hakikatnya andai wanita tidak kenal Rabbnya...
Bila wanita menjadi derhaka... pasti dunia lelaki akan menjadi huru hara....
Lelaki pula janganlah mengharapkan ketaatan semata-mata...
Tapi binalah kepimpinan...
Pastikan sebelum wanita menuju ilahi, pimpinlah diri kepadanya...
Jinakkan diri kepada allah...
Nescaya akan jinaklah segala-galanya di bawah pimpinanmu...
Janganlah mengharapkan isteri semulia Fatimah Az-Zahra'
Seandainya dirimu tidak sehebat saidina Ali karamallahuwajhah
note: ak copi bnde nie. bkn hak milik ak. just post sb ak suke bile membacanye.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Kejadian Mandi Manda di Lata Bayu
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Yusuf Islam, A is For Allah.
Ba is the beginning of Bismillah;
Ta is for Taqwa, bewaring of Allah;and Tha is for Thawab, a reward;
Ja is for Janna, the Garden of Paradise;
Ha is for Hajj, the blessed pilgrimage;
Kha is for Khaatem, the seal of the prophethood given to the Prophet, Muhammed (SAW);
Da is for Deen, Al-Islam, religion with Allah since time began;
Dha is for dhikr, remembering Allah;
Ra is for the month of Ramadhan, ohh Ramadhan;
Za is for Zakat to pure our greed, when we give our money to those in need;
Sa is for Salamu alaikum, peace be with you wa'alaikum assalam;
Sha is for shams, the shining sun, which Allah placed for everyone;
Sua is for salat, for when we pray facing him, everyday, facing him, till we meet our lord;
Dua is for duha, the morning light, the sun has turned from red to white;
Tua is for tareeq, the path to walk upon;
Dhua is for dhil, a shadow;
Aa is for ilm, the thing to know, to make our knowledge grow, in Islam;
Gha is for ghaib, a world unseen and that we know is not a dream;
Fa is for, the Opening, Al-Fatiha;
Qua for the Qur'an, the book of God;
Ka is for kalima, a word we're taught to teach us what is good and what is not;a
Nd La is for the beginning of La ilaha illa'allah;
Ma is for the Messenger Muhammed-ur-Rasoolillah.
Na is for nawm, the sleep God gave to give us rest after the day;
Ha is for the Hijra, the journey that, the Prophet made;
Wa for wudu before we pray to help us wash our sins away;
Ya for Yawm-mid-Deen;
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
lame ak xbukak blog ak nie. malas ler nak menaep2 nie. huhuh. MALAS aka LAZY. pe kena dgn ak nie? makin hari makin malas. malas nak buat hw, malas nak stdy. ishh..
tolong lah rajin sket. jgn jadi malas2. matang sket. ak rase mcm banyak kerja ak tertangguh disebabkan oleh perangai mcm sial ak nie. soB! jangan duk mengadap FB je. mu beli lappy 2 bukan untuk on9 24/7 tapi sebab nak bg mudah stdy. jangan ler lagha sgt dgn benda alah 2.
engat balik ape tujuan mu msk u adi. sedar lah sblum terlambat. OK!
nasihat untuk diri sendiri.
Green in Islam
Green is considered the traditional color of Islam. This is for several reasons.
1. Prophet Muhammad SAW is reliably quoted in a hadith as saying that “water, greenery, and a beautiful face” were three universally good things.
2. In the Quran, sura Al-Insan, believers in God in Paradise wear fine green silk.
3. Al-Khidr (“The Green One”), is a Qur’anic figure who met and traveled with Moses.
4. The flag of Hamas, as well as the flag of Iran, is green, symbolizing their Islamist ideology.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
bad days!
uh,, mgu ni mmg malang bg ak. 2 days in a row ak terpksa thn sakit. first sebab food poisoning. ntah macam mane lak leh tersilap mkn. tp ape ak makan pom ak xtau. kdai mane pom ak xengat. adakah ak di-hypnotize?? haha. sakit gler perot. perot ak dah jd mcm org beristeri 4 dan dah ade 4 anak. haha.,
then ke esokkan ari nyer lak, buat lab welding. kali nie balaja MIG. MIG nie xde lah asap bnyak sgt mcm SMAW, tp ntah mcm mane mata ak leh sakit lak. sem lepas buat SMAW xde lah sampai sakit mata. balik je lab ptg 2 ak tdo jap, then bgn je..,,, mak oi! abes xnampak pe dahh.. sme benda bersinar.. haha., tp nsib baek lah ak lelaki sejati. haha.,, tahan je. buat donno je.. hehe., then mlm nyer bertambah krg lah sket. hehe.,
so, morale of the story, bersabar lah dengan ujian yg diberi. ae hikmah disebalik nyer. Alhamdulillah ak dpt go through sme ujian kcik2 nie. hehehe.,
ha, nie 1 lagi. td baru dapat mata mesin yg harge nyer +/- RM40. nak tau saiz besar mane? tgk lah pic nie.

hahaha., kecik je kan? tp nda nie dibuat dr bahan berkualiti. nama bnda alah nie HSS (High Speed Steel). diperbuat daripda Super Cobalt M42. 6t kne asah lak. PLV ckp kalu xpndai, abes lah rosak nda alah 2. sme nyer perlukan SKILLS!
oke saen2, blah dlu!
Friday, January 08, 2010

mende kat atas tuh? pioh. orang ganu pngil lah. dalam bhasa baku nyer desebut KOPIAH, KETAYAP maybe (ak pom xtau. xbape reti jugak ckp bhsa baku nie.). rase selesa je ble mende 2 melekat kat kepala. nak2 yang lembik (pioh lembek). lagi pom kan SUNNAH NABI SAW utk pakai pioh nie. so, dapat pahala lah kan.
Huh! 1 lagi. EE kne drop lagi. kali nie da msk kali ke 3 ak drop. ntah pape lah lec nie. kalu xleh mgajar ckp je lah. penim abes stdnt2 metal yg x amk lagi. xpe2. xde rezeki sem nie. sem depan amk ya! blah!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Kelu, blank, sme ade. mcm kne karen. just like lagu oasis. the shock of the lighting. haha. penim dgn bnyak pekara. jadual lab sem ni mmg memenimkan. serius. ak xtau nak ckp pe, tp kwn2 pom ramai yg stuju dgn ap ak ckp nie. mcm xoke je pembahagian group, tp the PLV know the best for us., so xpe lah! kiterog just mcm bdk2 yang baru nak mengenali erti susah & tanggungjawab. satu lagi, harap sem ni akan lebih57 oke dr sem lepas. AMIN. (adi, jgn bnyak sgt maen2 sem ni. blaja elok2! mak da pesan)
Feeling pity to a friend. been through a very3 difficult moment for almost 5 years. seriously, i respect her so much. hopefully she'll make the right decision for the sake of her life. hope the op success. AMIN.